Thursday 19 February 2009

Welcome to Sector 1984

The work of Sector 1984 is top secret, which is why this blog is written using the name Winston Smith, the main character in the book 1984. In the year 2012 much that was predicted in that book has come to pass, although the agenda of the Chairman is perhaps slightly different, and the means used to indoctrinate the population are more subtle. When the wormhole was constructed during the summer, following the terror attacks by the 7/7 Jihad, it was found possible to send small compressed information files back through time. There are few people who know that the 7/7 Jihad was in fact a front organization for the Ministry of Information. As a Beta I do not have access to that level of security, but Maya is an Alpha, as well as being a member of the resistance, so she has clearance to login to the Main Database in Sector 666, where all the sensitive files are kept. The events that led up to the Chairman taking total control were not inevitable, so perhaps it will still be possible to locate the spacetime node where change is still possible. We are running out of time and messages will be kept short, as surveillance is getter tighter every day, and every suspicious use of energy is being monitored.

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