Friday, 13 March 2009

The gallows return to Hyde Park

It has been a terrible week. The power has been down on most days. They have built a gallows in Hyde Park, next to what used to be Speaker's Corner. Over lunch today Maya asked me if I had ever thought about the fact that nobody has ever seen the Chairman. She wanted to know if I believed in his existence. I said that I was not sure. Maya told me that Osiris was hoping to access the international internet soon. He intended to hack into a communications satellite. She was convinced that we would be surprised when we found out who was really governing us. The New World Order was in place, she was sure. It was not just England that was a dictatorship. The whole world was being run by the same cabal. We had been systematically duped by the biggest fraud in history. What scuppered the cabal's plans was the pandemic. Mother nature intervened and the system collapsed. So the facade of democracy could no longer be maintained. The high technology and biotechnology sectors were spread all over the world, so they had to prioritize and centralize their activities, in the face of massive losses of potential markets. We both wondered what the present population of China was. Isis told Maya the other day that she felt that the system was much weaker than we think. One good push and it would collapse completely. After all they must be getting pretty desperate if they planned to bring back public executions. They could barely organize a football match these days. The power is on the blink again, so I'm going to send this message real fast. Maybe Osiris gets lucky this weekend.

Bilderberg and the Obama deception

How we got here?

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Meeting Mandelbrot, Prince of Darkness

Yesterday evening I met the Prince of Darkness for the first time. Maya got invitations for both of us to a black tie dinner, organized by the Ministry. As a Beta I was given the cover of being Maya's research assistant. We found some evening dress thanks to a friend of Isis, who used to work in the theatre. The dinner was lavish. Held in an elegant house in St James's that used to be a gentlemen's club, with crystal chandaliers and the elegance of a bygone age. There were many original masters on the walls, and I thought that I recognized some from the old National Gallery. We ate smoked salmon, fillet of beef with roast potatoes, and a dessert of fresh strawberry cake, all washed down with fine claret and port. It was like being in a dream or watching an old movie. Lord Mandelbrot is the closest thing England has to Lucifer. The Chairman's right hand man, the dark Lord is suave, well dressed and charming, yet known for his ruthless streak. When you meet him his cold blue eyes pierce your soul, on the lookout for the slightest trace of weakness. Mandelbrot is the power broker of England. His official position is Party Secretary. He is credited with being the mastermind behind the Party's takeover of power. He is the kind of person that makes you feel that you want to get away as quick as you can, yet some how his presence seems to hypnotize you. When we shook hands I felt a shiver run down my spine. Something inside me said to watch what I said and did very carefully. Maya warned me before hand that she had a suspicion he knew a lot about the resistance, and that he was allowing us to exist as a potential source of chaos in the future, that he could use against his enemies in the Party. It was as if we were about to become the unoffical opposition. The motto of the party is "One Party, One Future!" yet Mandelbrot said to Maya during the course of dinner that he saw the value of diversity as a source of innovation. She was not quite sure how to reply and simply said that she trusted the Party's vision of the future. We were provided with an official car to get us home, as the dinner finished long after the curfew was in place. As we said goodnight Maya pressed a note in my hand. It said,
"Luciferi primo cum sidere frigida rura
carpamus, dum mane novum, dum gramina canent
Let us hasten, when first the Morning Star appears,
To the cool pastures, while the day is new, while the grass is dewy" (Virgil)
Lunch Sunday 1pm, usual place

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Starting the 2012 cyber revolution

One thing we do not have in London in 2012 is a housing shortage. The official population on the ID Register is just over two million, but that is probably an overestimate as people keep vanishing every day. The slow AIDS2 virus is taking its toll, and a lot of the GM food we are forced to eat is probably causing loads of allergies. Breathing difficulties are so common that nobody even talks about them any more, yet hardly anyone smokes. Tobacco would have to be imported, so like chocolate, it's one of the things that has vanished from our lives. One of the few pleasures left is marijuana. There are still people who grow it illegally using lamps indoors, and for some crazy reason cannabis is not one of the substances on the drug screening list. Perhaps that is because the Party is running a lot of the growrooms. Everyone only uses it on the weekend, so that they don't act stoned when they turn up for work. Heroin and cocaine are are non existent as they would have to be imported. Most of the drugs people use are official uppers and downers, and so called "conciousness enhancement" medicine. That's the stuff that keeps your dopamine and seratonin in good shape. The biotechnology sector of the economy is the one thing we are still good at. GM food, mood enhancing drugs, DNA manipulation, gene therapy, you name it, the Party is into it. It's the new oil that runs the wheels of the economy, and our major export.
Osiris told me some good news over lunch in the park. The resistance found an abandoned warehouse in the East End full of high end Apple computers, the MacPro stuff with loads of RAM, and terabytes of memory. He thinks that he can network the whole load of stuff together, to build a mother of a supercomputer. If he can get his hands on some satellite technology, he also thinks it might be possible to check if there is any international internet still running anywhere. It's exciting news. Maybe we can finally contact somebody out there, to see if there is a resistance anywhere else. For the first time in a long time Winston Smith is optimistic, and, together with Isis and Maya, I'll be getting one of the unibody MacBooks, so I'll need to find a good hiding place in my container appartment. It's not yet illegal to own old technology, but no point in attracting too much attention. Osiris is working on an alternative communication matrix, with its own encryption and protocols. He wants me to build Grail Warcraft masks, that will cloak our communication. If it works, we'll have our own independent internet and we will be able to start a cyber revolution.

Big Brother is watching your DNA in Manchester

Manchester police keep innocent man's DNA. 2012 is 1984 in 2009!

Monday, 2 March 2009

For the past couple of days the power supply has been down most of the time. Little by little the old system is breaking down, either because of a lack of spare parts, or because of a lack of qualified people to do the maintenance. The mobile phone system only works if you know someone who can hack into it. The prepaid system of vouchers stopped months ago. I had a contract and my connection still works, but only with certain numbers. Lucky enough one of those is Maya's. Most people use their phones to access the internet, which still works. Twitter got taken over by Sector 666 in England, and it is the most popular message service. It is against the law to take photographs on the street, so most people just upload pictures of birthday parties, pets and plants. There are no new cameras in the few shops still open, so an old digital one is a valued rarity on the black market. Nearly all social contact is based on trivia. Everyone is too scared to be seen to step out of line. The Underground system is being sealed off station by station, so the outcasts who live down there are doomed. They are considered to be a source of disease by the Ministry of Health, and there are probably plans to exterminate them. England always had an underclass that lived outside the system, never showing up on the ID Register. Soon there will be fewer and fewer options left for those who wish to hide. Yesterday my ID was checked six times on the way to, and coming back from, my mother. Recently I've noticed that my mind often just goes blank, and it is getting harder every day to keep trying to remember how things used to be. Sometimes I even doubt if it was ever any different. Maybe my past was just a dream. Isis says that we should meet up and start to practice storytelling, so that we don't forget. Many cultures had an oral tradition before they developed writing. Isis thinks that we should revive the habit. Maya suggested that we all sing together, and create our own mantras. As more and more technology breaks down we shall have to learn to organize ourselves. Osiris is developing a new code that we can use to keep some things alive. It will be a kind of modern day Emerald Tablet, that will contain the essence of our world view in a symbolic language that is a hybrid of words and images that would look quite harmless to an outsider. Perhaps it will take the form of a children's story, a 2012 Alice in Wonderland.